
Pan Am Games

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Crazy week!

What a week! Update on Katie, my roommate. She's in the States at the hospital. They're keeping her in the hospital until Monday because her liver is in shock. They're also testing for malaria which she'll find out the results on Monday. Please keep praying for her quick recovery. We already miss here here!!!
Yost and I met with Abigail, one of the volleyball players on Friday and had a GREAT talk! She's a Christian that just wants more out of her relationship with God and to be a light on her team. We asked her how she wanted to grow in her walk with Christ and she said, "I want to become a woman of prayer and I want to be disciplined." Her homework for the week was to make goals in different areas of her life; i.e. Physical, Spiritual, Personal, Other, and we'll go over them next week. She really opened up to us about stuff she's struggling with and we prayed with her. We're also starting some sweet character studies with her on Fridays.
One other girl on the volleyball team wants to do the character studies as well. She is a sweetie and I'm really excited to get to know her better!!
Another super highlight this week was I got to practice with the volleyball team!! Volleyball is one of the most fun sports to play... basketball is still my favorite but I always have SO much fun playing volleyball. The coach said I can play all the days that I go to UDLAP. Super stoked! I think this might be a way for doors to open with this team.... Despite the fact that I'm terrible. All that I have going for me in volleyball is that I'm a scrappy little bugger.
The basketball girls had 2 games this weekend away and went 1 and 1. They play home on Wednesday so I'm excited to see them!
Today we played in a softball game with the coach for the UDLAP baseball team. We won 30-14. It was close. It was also amazingly fun! I could play in pick-up games and practices all day long if people will let me. It's nice of them to pick up a scrub and give me a chance. We might be playing with this team every Saturday that we can. I might actually come back somewhat tan.... oh who am I kidding, I can't tan.
I hope you're all doing great! Keep the prayers coming! God is doing some cool things and I'll make sure to keep you updated on all of them :)

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