I'm starting to realize that I live in Mexico.... yes it has taken me this long. My schedule is getting more and more packed but that's what I'm used to so it's a good thing. The not good thing is when I forget what I'm doing here and get task-oriented and focus more on getting things done rather then spending my time with God so that I can do other things. Working out of my own strength is not going to cut it. I seem to have to relearn that lesson over and over... and relearn it the hard way.
I'm super stoked for everything that's happening here! I had some 1 on 1 meetings this week that I'm really excited for. There are 2 volleyball girls that Yost and I are meeting with. With one, we're doing the studies on character and working through goals with her. Another volleyball girl has been meeting with Jolita for a while and really wants to be close to God but doesn't know how. She said she's not content with the way she's living her life now. With her, we're going to do a Bible study on God's character. Who He is? What he's all about so that she would know her identity in Him and be able to stand firm knowing that she's loved, royalty in God's eyes. forgiven, during all the hard circumstances she's facing. We're also doing a Total Athlete study that's kind of a Bible study that combines Scripture and your relationshiip with Christ with sports. I'm really excited :) Please be praying for both these girls.
Last night we had our first study on the John Maxwell book, "The Difference Maker" with the 2 captains of the basketball team. They're both liking the book which is a good start. They've had problems with each other in the past and haven't been able to work very effectively together but have been working on it. Last night was great. They were both completely open with each other about stuff they needed to work on and also decided ways that they can work more together so that the rest of the team doesn't see division in their leadership. They're going to start being a part of giving team talks and activities and are going to do it TOGETHER which is the kicker. There was a lot that was poured out on the table and a lot to work on and that was only our first meeting. So, here we go :) Please keep praying for these 2 as well. This is the last semester for one of them before she graduates so there's an aspect of "passing the baton" to the other captain since she's newer in this role.
Update on Katie... she's out of the hospital, praise Jesus! She's at home in Tupelo, Mississippi with a liver that's shot, infections, mono, and an enlarged spleen that's pressing on her stomach and ribs. PLEASE keep praying for her! We're still not sure how long she'll be home but hopefully she'll be back to us soon to this side of the border.
I hope you're all doing great! Thank you for all the prayers and support! Love you!
Also, I put more pictures up... just a fun fact!
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