
Pan Am Games

Thursday, November 17, 2011

New home!

We have officially paid our deposit for our new apartment!! We're going to have a new home starting on Monday!! Thank you Jesus! It's so perfect... I'll add pictures of it when we move in and make it all homey.
Last night we had a team time over at one of the basketball player's house. This neighborhood is gorgeous! Everyone had to bring some kind of creative presentation of their basketball past. Most people made a Power Point, including myself since that's the extent of my creative ability. It was cool to see where they came from and most of them put pictures of their families and friends. One of the interesting and good parts about it was that there were about 4 or 5 girls that were crying during their presentation. Why is that a good part you ask? In my opinion, it was cool because they felt comfortable enough with their teammates to share about something they really care about. Some were crying because they showed pictures of someone close to them who had passed away and some were crying because they love and miss their families and friends and some were crying because they had found such amazing friendships on the team and it really meant a lot to them. All in all, it was a great night!
Today I was on my way to practice feeling super tired from the team time the night before and I was going early to meet some of the girls for breakfast. It was about 9:50 (practice started at 10) and we were still in the cafeteria talking. One of the girls texted the coach to see if we could have a team breakfast instead of practicing. In my head I was thinking, "fat chance man. Like he's going to let us eat breakfast instead of practice." Next thing I know, the whole team is coming into the cafeteria to have a team breakfast instead of practice. It's so different! It was really great to be able to hang out with the girls though. I feel like I'm getting to know some of them pretty well.
I've gotta tell this story that has nothing to do with anything but is just a fantastic story. Katie and I were walking down the busy street the other day when all of the sudden we hear a TON of honking. Keep in mind, honking is not by ANY means out of the ordinary, but we're talking a LOT of honking. We look up only to see 2 grown men wrestling on the sidewalk. Why all the honking then you ask? Well, these 2 men had apparently done something that they didn't like while driving and they got out of their cars, only to tackle each other and start fighting on the sidewalk. Their cars were in both lanes at the front of the intersection so while they're fighting, there's about 3 blocks worth of traffic that's being held up. Hence the honking. There were other men trying to break them up, security guards watching from afar doing, who knows what and Katie and I walking by in disbelief. Welcome to Mexico :)
I'm adding more pictures to the Photobucket link so if you want, you can look at them.
Thank you for the prayers and support!

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